Reflexology with Martha
Below are some of products that I've found particularly useful and that have stood the test of time for me, personally. I do receive a small commission when you shop at Amazon using the button/link provided.

Liposomal Glutathione
I take liposomal glutathione regularly to alleviate the soreness that comes with working out. I really notice if I forget.
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant, so has many possible benefits including:
supports immune function
regenerates vitamin C and E
improves digestion
helps recovery after eating or drinking something "bad"
and more

Magnesium Breakthrough
I really like this magnesium because it provides 7 different forms all in one easy-to-swallow capsule. Different forms are absorbed and used by muscle, brain, heart, bone, intestines, etc. This allows you to provide support to the more than 300 processes in your body that need magnesium!
Red/NIR Light

I love my red/NIR light. I use it when my tendonitis flares up or I get a muscle tweak. I also used it to heal my hypothyroidism after 12 years on medications (levothyroxine, cytomel, and natural desiccated thyroid.) My sister has been successful in helping her tennis elbow to be less painful. I suggest it to my clients for a multitude of issues, and all seem to report improvement. My top two choices would be the two listed below. I do not get a commission from either of these companies.
Additionally, I am currently renting a red light (the Red Rush 360) from my office for $40/week in order to see whether you like using a red light prior to making the investment.
You can chat with me about how to use it at your next appointment, or you can use whatever sources you trust to support your specific use.